Potential Dog Park Locations and Next Steps

Thank you all so much for your wonderful submissions regarding a Two Harbors Dog Park. And thank you to city councilors Robin Glaser, Cathy Erickson, and Seth McDonald for all your hard work and help! We managed to fill the Council chambers with attendees and highlighted many of the comments from your emails, texts and phone calls during the meeting. Your participation and comments were key in demonstrating to the city council that a large segment of the public had an interest in establishing a Two Harbors Dog Park. The crowd erupted into applause when towards the end of the meeting, Committee of Public Affairs Chairperson Robin Glaser indicated that the city council recognized the public’s need and desire for the facility and is committed to the process of establishing a community dog park in Two Harbors! There’s lots of work left to be done, but mission accomplished for the time being, thanks to you!

Potential Dog Park Locations

Potential dog park locations

Potential dog park locations

During the meeting, the city proposed three sites. One near Lake County Arena, one out on Fairgrounds road and one near the fields west of the Moose lodge. The public commented on the sites, siting a desire to choose a site that would be accessible by foot. The public also indicated a desire to create a “small dog zone” at the facility. The city has also offered to allow a temporary dog park at an existing outdoor skating area once the ice melts, until we can get the permanent site set up.

Next Steps

The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 27 at 5 PM. We are to submit a detailed site plan in anticipation of acquiring one of the locations. The city will sort through some issues of land ownership and availability. Hopefully, we’ll be able to access the proposed temporary site by then as well. Attendees at the meeting expressed some safety concerns at the temporary site in regards to broken glass and construction debris that may be in the area. We will assess the site and see if we can make it suitable for use without its protective layer of ice.

Temporary Dog Park

The city offered a temporary dog park location for use while a permanent dog park is under construction! Once the ice melts, the city will allow the hockey rink next to the skate park to be used as a temporary dog park while a permanent dog park is being planned and built.

Stay Up to Date

Click here to bookmark twoharborsdogpark.com! We will be using it as a focal point from now on to take in the public’s comments, recruit volunteers and inform the public on the project’s progress and needs.

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Contact us directly with any more comments, questions or ideas. You are always welcome to attend the scheduled public meetings, which will be indicated on the website as well.
Your participation at this last meeting was crucial however, and thanks again for stepping up to the cause! We needed your attendance, positive energy and knowledgeable comments to demonstrate to the council how badly the townsfolk here really need a dog park!

Establishing a community dog park in Two Harbors will make a meaningful improvement towards the quality of life of people and dogs for years to come. Our tiny corner of the world will be a better place on account of your efforts!

2 thoughts on “Potential Dog Park Locations and Next Steps

  1. I’m so happy to see that our city is moving forward with a dog park! One day, several weeks back, I told Robin Glaser we needed a dog park. It was just a random thought that I voiced while passing her desk one day at work. Imagine my surprise when she said it was already brought up and meetings had been set regarding it. Boy did I get excited! Here’s some of my thoughts:
    I’m happy to see that it was brought up that if at all possible, a small dog area is needed. My greyhound would love to play with small dogs, but I think his big feet while playing would cause unintentional harm to a little dog.
    As both a responsible dog owner and responsible parent to young children, I would also suggest that children under 7 not be permitted within the fenced area, for their own safety.
    After battling the excessive snow in my own small fenced side yard this winter, I would suggest the fence be 6 foot tall. This would serve 2 purposes, one it would discourage people from feeling compelled to hop/climb over it and two, it would take alot greater accumulation of snow before the fence was too short (snow next to fence line creating and artfically raised “ground level”).
    For poo picking, an idea would be to provide a weather proof dispenser for those plastic grocery bags that seem to multiply by themselves (in addition to standard type scoopers) and people could bring their extra bags there.
    When it gets to fund raising, I’ve already mentioned it to my daughter’s girl scout troop leader as a project for her girls.

    So glad we are doing this!

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