Hang on to your leashes! On Saturday, May 23 at 10 AM, the Two Harbors Dog Park Corps. of Engineers plans to storm the municipal ice rink behind Lake County Arena and reassemble the dog park for the 2015 season! We need a handful of burly volunteers to help out with the project!
Duties shall include:
- using a pneumatic stapler to attach welded wire mesh over the fence panels
- erecting the small dog zone and double entry gates using pneumatic nailers…blindfolded
- cutting new corner braces and transom pieces for the SDZ
- operation “Shoe the Pony”…attaching plywood footings to the park’s signature dog house
- setting up the canine agility course, signage and props
- re-inking our signs via permanent marker as the words have faded over the winter
- K.P. duty…grilling up some brats for our volunteer workforce
The Dog Park’s corps. of Engineers will supply all tools and provisions. We’ll acquire use of the Two Harbors Municipal Gas Driven Electrical Generator for the day and we’ll have use of “Pride of the Village” our own 4’x8’ towable hay wagon as well.
We could use two additional towable trailers (or donkey carts) to move tools, agility equipment, fence panels, the dog house, gold bullion and gates from HQ on first avenue to the dog park
Dogs are always welcome to supervise and get into trouble. It will be a minor construction zone with some generator noise, tools, bratwurst & sauerkraut lying about, so please use your own judgement as to whether it’s a suitable environment for your dog. We’ll have some cool water available.
Please comment below or message the Dog Park’s mayor and sheriff, Pretzel Fritz, if you think you can help out. We apologize for having set the date during the holiday weekend. Memorial Day usually lands on the last weekend in May…we slipped up. Please give priority to family and Memorial Day observances. Thank you! Woof-woof!