Dog Park Yes!

Congratulations Two Harbors and a million thanks to all those who have supported us through this project! Friends of Two Harbors Dog Park has been given the official green light to establish a seasonal off leash dog park in the outdoor hockey rink behind Lake County Arena! Friends of Two Harbors Dog Park, Public Works and the Public Affairs Committee finalized plans at the Cinco de Mayo meeting last Monday!

Seasonal Dog Park Plan

The seasonal dog park will be up and running by June, and be utilized until November. “Two Harbors Community Dog Park” as it will be officially known, will be accessible to dogs from any municipality who are licensed and have current vaccinations. It will be open every day from morning to night. The park will feature a double entry gate system so that patrons can enter without dogs getting loose and a small dog zone for the Chihuahuas and Yorkies among us! A doggy-bag dispenser will be in place (please remember to pick up after your pet!). Water bowls and seating accommodations will be provided. We don’t have running water at this point, so you might bring some water with you in a gallon jug. Patrons may park behind Lake County Arena and the site is accessible from the Sonju walking trail as well. We’ll post an official notice once the dog park is open and hold a Grand Opening event!

Thank You for Your Support

We are all truly touched by the outpouring of support from the local community for this project. Individuals and businesses have donated funds and items to build the dog park gates & fencing, provide signage, benches, water bowls, and this website! People have donated their time, work and braved the weather to attend meetings, give their input and support the effort. Public Affairs Committee members Robin Glaser, Seth McDonald, Cathy Erickson and Public Works Director Larry Fabini have been most accommodating and supportive throughout this process. We’d like to thank Two Harbors Mayor Randy Bolen as well, who by making himself accessible helped us get this project under way. We will acknowledge our donors and supporters in more detail later as some may prefer to remain anonymous.

See you this summer!

Friends of Two Harbors Dog Park

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