Meeting Notes and Dog Park Site Plan

We had another productive public meeting with the Two Harbors City Council last Thursday, March 27, regarding the Two Harbors dog park project.

The city will proceed with negotiations involving acquiring the land near Lake County Arena on which to establish a permanent Two Harbors Dog Park. Given its proximity to the Sonju walking trail, available parking and favorable location on the border between the uptown and downtown neighborhoods, it was determined that the arena site would be the most suitable. The proposed dog park would be near the site of the existing unused baseball diamond. The preliminary plans include a 100’ x 200’ foot enclosed area with a double entry and an 1,800 square foot “small dog zone”.

We could not get specifics on the fencing material at this time as it’s partially stored outdoors and, well, under the snow. There was also talk of constructing a “rain garden” outside the fenced area to provide for cleaner run-off water as it drains from the field into Burlington Bay. We also announced our intent to incorporate a non-profit group that will work to maintain the dog park, organize volunteers, help raise funds and assist with operations; Friends of Two Harbors Dog Park!

Temporary Dog Park News

In regards to the interim period until the permanent park is built, we spoke more in depth about the temporary site at the existing outdoor hockey rink. Although we still can’t see the ground, we have a verbal affirmation that it is suitable and safe for dogs to run about. We will come up with plans as to how to construct a temporary double entry into the rink and perhaps a small dog zone. We would put up signage identifying the facility as a temporary dog park with rules and hours of operation. We hope to get that going late this spring sometime. The facility could be used as a dog park until it reverts back to a seasonal outdoor hockey rink later in the Fall.

So while the city negotiates the land issues, we will switch gears a bit and concentrate on developing the temporary site for use this summer. The next meeting will be scheduled in a few weeks and notice will be posted on this website. Your comments and questions are always welcome. Please email us at

Thank you for your support!


Proposed Dog Park Site Plan


Dog Park Site Plan PDF

Potential general dog park location *only a guess / estimation:

Potential Dog Park Location Position

Potential Dog Park Location

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